Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Groin, Some Gravy and Alot of Growing

Now then... I don't want anyone to fall over because I've posted again so soon. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. As you can tell by the title of this posting... I have some random thoughts but I've tried hard to make them easy to follow.

If I'm perfectly honest, my holiday was fair. The day's schedule was perfect. The food was good. The people were fine to be around. I just had my share of those "little comments" that sort of dig at your psyche. If I were to sum up the comments, I would conclude that I'm a fat parent and have failed to teach my kids manners. Instead, I am letting go... and just focusing on the blessings God has given.

I've continued with my running. I'm up to 4.5 miles once a week and an additional 5-6 the rest of the week. I haven't been as faithful with my every other day crosstraining. Yesterday, I woke up with my first running injury though. I felt pain as I was getting ready for work and by the time I actually got to work... I was sure I needed a hip replacement. However, after looking up my symptoms and doing a couple of "moves", I've self-diagnosed myself with a strained hip flexor and groin muscle. Yes, girls have groins too! It feels 100% better today. I'm taking Motrin for it. I love Motrin. If I could only take one thing with me on a deserted island... it would be a bottle of Motrin.

This Christmas my family is coming to my house. It was decided by my Mother on Thanksgiving Day after I caught my Mom teaching my sister-n-law (Teri) how to make gravy and whined about it. What was I suppose to do? Mom never showed me how to make gravy so why is she showing her how to do it? So my Mom showed us both together. Then I said "maybe I'll cook next year" and Mom said "you can cook this Christmas". In a previous blog, I mentioned something about having a competitive streak... I don't think this qualifies as an example. This was pure sibling rivalry. Mom has been giving my brother SOOO much attention since he bought his new house (Teri is his wife). Then they cooked T-day dinner at their new house and had Mom's full attention all day long. Whatever! Yes, they did a great job. Yes, everyone felt at home. Yes, I was sort of impressed and proud of the job they did. Whatever! I've always told my Mom that every since she went and had four more kids after me... the only time I get her full attention is when I'm in labor with a grandchild (that would be twice in twelve years for those of you who are counting). By the way, I have the menu planned already.

Another milestone in my journey as a parent... MW has crossed the aisle from "little girl" section to "big girl" section. I clearly remember wearing a 6X from Kinder until 4th grade. I remember picking out 4-5 dresses with my Mom in preparation for Kinder and I remember my Dad taking me for some clothes towards the end of 4th grade. My daughter wore 6X for two months. She is flying through size 7 and actually has made it to a few items in size 8. She went from little girl shoe size of 13 into big girl shoe size 2 in one leap. If good prenatal care and breastfeeding leads to this sort of thing... I don't know if I can continue supporting it. I might have to stop feeding her vegetables. It was amusing when I could fit into her brother's shoes and he passed me on the scale because it means my boy is "growing up". MW is my baby. It isn't as amusing.

So those are my rants... but the real story.... I'm grateful for my family. This includes little brothers who get all the attention, sisters-n-law that put up with them; healthy growing children; and a Mother that still puts me in my place.


Blogger kdwalker said...

We are having pig with an apple! I planned for pork loin with apple bourbon marinade.

6:58 PM  
Blogger ERICKADSN said...

You are so funny. Every time I read your blogs, I am reminded why we were instantly best freinds after we met in high school and cannot believe we ever lost touch. We think so much alike, seriously!!

8:36 PM  
Blogger kdwalker said...

Ericka, I'm excited you have commenting power now. I enjoyed lunch today. That hour seemed like five minutes. I hope you are missing a particular boot.

12:23 AM  
Blogger kathy paulson said...

I've figured it out! And I am now a new member of the blogger's club too. It will only take a year or so for me to customize my blog. Just want to add that I thoroughly enjoy reading about your current events and your thoughts...I can relate to many of them! Love ya!

7:29 PM  

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