Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Happy Ending

I finally have a good reason to stop watching the show "ER". Once a faithful viewer, I have resorted to catching a show here and there just to catch up with the characters. I began to lose loyalty when all the character's lives became so miserable. I think the writers made it a rule that no one could have a happy ending. I just haven't been able to cut ties so I keep tuning in hoping for a happy ending. The season just started and I promised if Abby's baby died that was going to be "IT" for me. Of course, the baby survived even though Abby had a hysterectomy (see what I mean). So I was suckered into another episode this week. After watching this latest edition.... I am done. I am washing my hands of it.

Storyline: An older gay man is ill and about to die. His loyal partner of 15 years is by his side. The ill man's estranged family show up and try to exclude the partner in making medical decisions even though they could care less about their dying relative. Meanwhile, a new intern is introduced to the television audience. She is a Christian and apparently an idiot with no grasp on reality. She is full of Christian cliche' after cliche'. The kind that make me cringe because I know it will instantly cause a non-believer to roll their eyes. Keep in mind this show has NEVER had an openly Christian character before. This is the Christian token.

I have had it! Why?! I have alot of questions about homosexuality. Is it genetic or a choice? If it is a choice, should you chose not to follow the desire? If it is genetic is it acceptable? The same questions everyone else probably ask themselves at some point. Until it is figured out, I am willing to accept that lifetime partners should have some say in end-of-life medical decisions. Treat people with respect, gay or not. It seems this is exactly what the writers of the show want their audience to think. I guess they also want the viewers to think Christians are stupid and deserve no respect. How is it I have to be so "open-minded" about the gay life style while being mocked in the same show?

FYI. Do not mistake my hope in humanity as naivity! Do not mistake my prudence as being simple-minded. Do not mistake my silence as stupidity. No one knows if you are dumb or smart until you open your mouth so be careful when you finally do (especially if you are about to tell this secular world that you are a Christian)! Furthermore, my solid grasp on reality is the very thing that makes me cling to my God even tighter!

Even an Atheist believes in something. You do too if you think about it. I looked around and chose the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Considering the different beliefs and Gods out there, I think this sounds like the best plan. My capacity to tolerate beliefs and lifestyles of others is obviously greather than the writers of "ER".

Call me on Thursdays at 9:00. I'll be free. It is just a television show but I don't need one more thing tearing me down. I'll write my own happy ending...

"Fools mock at making amends of sin, but goodwill is found among the upright."
Proverbs 14:9


Blogger Unknown said...

Well you know where I stand on these issues and I couldn't agree more on the fact that the rights of Christians are trampled on everyday. Some people will say, "finally", but it still doesn't make it right. And I'm also sick of Hollywood portraying Christians as idiotic, simple-minded, bigots. Of course what would you expect out of an industry such that it is. That's why I rarely go to see movies anymore. If I do I'm very selective with who and what I will support. Off my soapbox now. Good post.

4:22 PM  
Blogger kdwalker said...

I'm just now reading comments for this blog tonight (10/21). I would like to clarify my position a bit.

I never said that my rights were being "oppressed". My complaint was the portrayal of the "idiot" Christian. As you said Tammy, you feel cynical about people wearing their faith on their sleeve. I feel the same way. That's why I don't go to the church down the street. I'm sure that pastor is a fraud. I especially feel cynical when a politician claims it. It's like playing games at a carnival. You know they are rigged so why waste your money or believing in some miracle herb that makes a person lose weight without diet/exercise. It goes in one ear and out the other because I just don't believe it.

However, this cynical outlook is only purpetuated by the "idiot Christian" sterotype. Who wants to admit to belonging to that? I'm more than a little cynical of idiots. All those ugly things you attributed to Christians I hate too. I am a Christian who hated the goverment's interference with Terry Schiavo. I am a Christian who believes abortions should not be illegal. I don't like Republican corruption being associated with Christianity. It's not their Christianity that made them corrupt, if they were really Christians in the first place. Also, there are Christian democrats somewhere in this world.

I can't give up being a Christian because some abuse it or claim it when they should not. I'm sure some who follow the Muslum faith are facing a similar issue (maybe a little worse for them).

I think Democrats blame Christianity as the source of Republican's false logic (hence the rationale for actions taken). I also think Republicans blame a misguided sense of elitism void of values as the source of Democratic false logic (hence the rationale for actions taken). But now I'm adding the cornerstones of conservative and liberal thought into the mix (what one believes about the other). You can ask any Rep. and you'll get an example of how a dem's lack of values led to some corrupt act. You can ask any Dem and you'll get an example of how a Rep's "faith" led to some corrupt act.

Of course this is all CRAZY. My democrat friends who are not Christians have values and lead upstanding lives. I just don't want their friends to speak down to me based on a sterotype played out over and over on TV. So they know I'm a Christian, now let them ask me about my politics. The common ground will surprise them.

11:55 PM  

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