Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I've avoided a blog for some time now. However, my friend Sara moved far, far away up to North Texas and I felt helpless while reading her blog (only members may comment) and that Chelsea girl just keeps on making comments. So here it is... a blog created out of desperation and a pinch of spite.

For those who don't know, Sara was the nurse practitioner I worked with for several years. Once Sara's husband finished residency... she, he & kids moved. Now she lives close to her dear friend (Chelsea). They have children of similar ages and who could blame them for scheduling playdates. Yet somewhere between feeling so sad that my friend had moved and knowing it's a good thing to reconnect with old friends and trying to be adult about it all... I've realized it is not healthy to be jealous of Chelsea's good fortune. Instead, it feels much better just to project the feelings. So beware... I've got commenting power now!


Blogger MattandSara said...

May I be the first to congratulate you on your new adventure. And also, may I be the first to apologize. Apparently I am the cause of all your obvious angst in your first blog ever. Sorry. You know, after being homeless for over a month you begin to question why you ever tried to move in the first place.
By the way, I don't know if Sara told you but she may be coming down to Sanny'tonio with me the last weekend in August for 4 days.
Congrats again on your new blogging adventure...

- Matt

1:41 PM  
Blogger MattandSara said...

Waa Waa Waa! I was thinking about you yesterday and I started to feel guilty (story of my life). I was remembering the day that Sadona and I went and got McD's ice cream and I didn't get you any. I STILL feel guilty about that. That should show you that I care. But at the same time, you should probably get over it! There's no competition here. I have a big enough heart for TWO best friends. Now stop your whining and get back to work.

8:11 AM  
Blogger M Holly said...

May I be the second to congratulate you and welcome you to the world of blogging (not that I actually blog, myself - just comment!) We have enjoyed having Sara and family (especially the kids)with us for this past month. However, I think Sara is ready to get out from under Momma's roof! Can't say that I blame her. It's hard having 2 rulers of the same roost! The kids have been a hoot, as you well know. Noah has learned so many words - especially "what" when he hears his name. And, I have decided that no one should name their little boys Noah because he thinks the word "No!" is just part of his name and completely ignores you.

I hope that SAra can go to S.A.with Matt at the end of the month. I know she misses you a great deal.

I'm glad that I have a new blog to read now! Take care


8:30 PM  
Blogger kdwalker said...

Thank you Matt, Sara and Mommy Holly. I feel very welcomed. I watched a report on TV today that it takes a toddler 3 seconds to climb out of a shopping cart seat. Without hesitation, I thought to myself "half that time for Noah Moreland".

8:05 PM  

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