Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Folly of Self-Pity

Good evening my loyal fans! I have been reassured that I do have a fan base and I'm not just blogging into air. Thank you everyone for your feedback.

Wouldn't you know! I'm reading a book called "God Meant It For Good". It is about Joseph. I read a couple of chapters each night before bed which is what I did the night after I last blogged. Guess what the name of the next chapter happened to be? It was "The Folly of Self-Pity"!! OK, got that message loud and clear.

You know the worse part?I am very ashamed. Did anyone catch how I was whining about my skin and weight then stopped for a minute to ask for prayers about my Dad's ANGIOPLASTY and then continued to carry on about my skin and weight and feeling "blue". See that's what self-pity does. It makes you self-absorbed stupid. I am so sorry Dad, Tammy & baby brother.

I did figure something out. We had something scheduled every single night last week (six days in a row). This meant I had a ton of stuff at home to do with little time to do it. I think I was feeling overwhelmed. We did not go to Church or Sunday School. I did the shopping, carwashing, housecleaning, yardwork, laundry, school paperwork, checkbook balancing, meal-for-the-week cooking and running instead. Guess what? I felt like a new person once everything was done. Being better prepared put me ahead of the game for this week and it has lightened the burden.

I took the kids to the new Bass Pro Store. OH MY, OH MY! It is jaw dropping big. Someone needs to come visit SA just so I can take you to see this place. The kids were more impressed with this than Fiesta Texas. I don't remember the last time a store made such an impression on me. Remember, I don't hunt, fish or camp and I still want to go back.

Everyone have a good week. My Dad's procedure will be tomorrow or Friday. I'll keep everyone posted. Love!


Blogger M Holly said...

Karen, I will be praying for your dad. Holly

5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Prayers lifted up for your dad and for Tammy as she helps him recover. Also for that sweet brother of yours.

8:49 PM  
Blogger kdwalker said...

The procedure was done Friday. He is doing well and should be home by Monday. Thanks for the prayers.

10:30 PM  

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