Sunday, December 17, 2006

Quick Holiday Catch-up

Wow! I can't believe three weeks have passed since my last entry. It's all the Holiday activity. I think I'm pretty much done with shopping and now I need to focus on dinner for Christmas Day.

Both kids have done their Christmas plays. The Pre-K through 3rd Grade kids had their program 12/6. The 4th through 8th had their program this past Weds. That means two different shows to attend as a parent. However, that also means the shows are more enjoyable and shorter. Both were really good. It wasn't an exercise in patience. The music teacher is so good. One of the best moves Concordia made was to hire her.

There was some drama with MW's show. She developed a swollen red and painful ankle. It got to the point were she could not bear weight. Xray's showed a funny shadow that was a possible non-displaced fracture. Labs ruled out an infectious or inflammatory process. The whole ordeal took about 4-5 days to resolve. She milked it for all it was worth. So she was off crutches for the show but if anyone looked carefully enough...they would have noticed a slight limp. Two days ago she started crying about her leg hurting. It was the same leg but this time above the ankle more on the tib/fib. Of course, I start letting bad things run through my mind but then I remembered ... "we did xray and any bad spot would have been noticed". The pain went away by the next morning. I must say it was a funny sight when I had to pick her up from school the 2nd day of ankle pain. I was still limping due to my sore groin. We were quite a limping sight as we made our way to the car.

MW has started basketball. Her team has played two games. She is playing so well. The first game she was scoring, defending and even got an assist in. The second game she was the only one on the team to foul. The expression on her face looked like she thought she might have to go the principal's office but the parents were elated. She played a good portion of the game and was beet red by the end. Her defensive game is tough. I guess having a big brother serves a purpose. We're off until January but the games extend into February. The first game we did snacks and concesssion stand so our team duties are over unless something comes up.

Not too much with CW going on except his mouth. Everything has to be supplemented by a wisecrack from him. Usually he is making a joke. Sometimes it is to aggravate his sister. Once and only once was it directed toward me. He shouldn't do that again. I don't mind commentary from an offspring as long as it is respectfull and please don't whine about how hard life is because you are bored. Two of his gifts have been foiled. His sister found one and not knowing it was his gift, held it up for everyone to see. The other one he found after looking under my bed.

I need reassurance that he will one day shower, brush teeth, care about grades, not hit females, feed his pets, exercise and eat right, wear clean clothes and clean his house. I really think if I left him alone he would stay on the computer all day, eat junk food between games and personal hygiene would not even enter his mind. His pets would starve and trash would pile up. His mind would turn to mush and he would have no friends and he'll weigh 300 lbs. Sometimes, he'll be on the computer for his one hour limit and I'll just snap at him... because that vision I just described runs through my head. The same thing happens when I see him snacking. The same thing happens when he hasn't done anything productive with his day. The same thing happens when he constantly bugs his sister. The same thing happens when his homework is sloppy or he takes no initiative to start a big school project. The same thing happens when he hasn't fed his pet in two days and asks if he can play on the computer. I don't nag... I snap LOUDLY. I can see a complex developing especially when he gets food for himself. He seems self-conscious. Which of course, I then have anxiety about because obviously I've gone too far and now he is going to turn into Norman Bates. Like I said, I need reassurance.

Ok, let's move on.... We went to see "The Navity" which we enjoyed very much. CW said "I don't usually like that kind of movie, but it was ok". MW wanted to know if girls still get stoned if they get pregnant before they are married. I said "only by their mothers".

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you enjoy your holidays. As you go through your Christmas list, remember why that person is on your list in the first place and appreciate them. I love appreciation in the form of spending money or gift cards (ha,ha,ha).

Love to all, K


Blogger Unknown said...

Wouldn't ALL men turn out like that if there were no women around to LOUDLY keep them on track? I know a few that definitely would. Laughed out loud on the "stoning" comment to MW.

8:14 PM  
Blogger kdwalker said...

I have a new MW story. Her class dressed up in Navity clothing and traveled(like Joseph and Mary) from classroom to classroom looking for a place to stay. Its ends back in her homeroom then the Christmas party starts. Today is the last day before break. Anyway, I've been hearing about "dress-up" all week.

Last night when she was going to bed and we were talking, she tells me "I wasn't allowed to be Mary, and I didn't want to be an angel so instead I'm going to be a local".

OK, maybe it's me, but that came across a little funny. A vision of a woman standing on the corner smacking gum and looking for a date is what crossed my mind.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

The second graders were precious yesterday! (Even the 'locals') I got choked up bit listening to them sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem" as they were walking up the stairs to Pastor T's office. Of course I've always been weak when it comes to children singing about Jesus.
Oh and I'll second that music teacher comment you had. She is amazing!

9:49 AM  

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