Antics of Offspring
Hello! Just a few stories to share.
CW and I joined Weight Watchers online. I much prefer Adkins because I'm never hungry when going low carb. Currently, if I'm full it only lasts about two hours. CW is doing so well. He has cut his "points" from +30 above his desired points to staying within his limit. He did this in the course of one week. Plus, he is measuring his portions and reading labels and just becoming more aware of snacking. Every night we are able to review his intake and evaluate how a couple of small choices can make such a big difference. Obviously, I needed to trim the tummy but my main motivation was CW. He is in a pretty good mood but I'm a bit (alot!) moody. Tomorrow is our first weigh-in day so we'll see if the work has paid off.
In this process, I gave each of the kids a pedometer. Splenda has a campaign to get kids to walk an extra 2000 steps each day so they are giving away pedometers. I have a box of them and finally remembered to give MW & CW their own. Within two minutes, CW had figured out how to shake the pedometer just right to make it count even though he wasn't walking and MW had clipped it onto the cat's collar (to the cat's displeasure). A good idea down the drain.
Meanwhile, a serious conversation took place on the way to school a several weeks ago. CW made a wise crack comment about horses and glue (a specific attempt to torment his sister who loves horses). MW immediately asked what CW meant. I tried to make some lame excuses but each time CW would laugh and MW knew I wasn't telling the truth. Finally, I had to tell MW what horses had to do with glue. She said "I'm not upset" and got very quiet. I told CW he was paying for her therapy. When I got home from work, I found a picture she had colored at school that day. It was a Dutch girl (in honor of the different Christmas costumes in foreign countries). MW did a very neat job but in the girl's hand.. she had drawn in a sign that read "NO MORE HORSE GLUE"! It looked like Christmas Dutch PETA.
Flash forward one month to today. MW and the other second graders sang during 0930 service. The kids met beforehand outside their classrooms. Well, we were the first ones to arrive and while we waited I was admiring artwork displayed in the hallway that the second graders had done. One batch of artwork was themed "Martin Luther King's Dream". Each child had to list their own dreams for the World. "No murders". "No weapons". "No pollution". "No smoking". These were the profound desires of the children. My eyes finally found MW's. It was nicely colored, spelling was perfect and the handwriting was neat. The first dream she listed... "Stop using horse glue!" CW's allowance is going right into the therapy fund.
Postscript: Driving home today, the kids and I saw alot of buzzards resting on various light poles and I got to thinking. Buzzards must be smart. They have to land and eat their food in the very spot were those dead creatures were killed by moving vehicles. Yet, I've never seen a dead buzzard in the street. How do they avoid being hit? Does this mean they are smarter than squirrels, raccoons, opossums, dogs, cats and armadillos? Just a thought.
CW and I joined Weight Watchers online. I much prefer Adkins because I'm never hungry when going low carb. Currently, if I'm full it only lasts about two hours. CW is doing so well. He has cut his "points" from +30 above his desired points to staying within his limit. He did this in the course of one week. Plus, he is measuring his portions and reading labels and just becoming more aware of snacking. Every night we are able to review his intake and evaluate how a couple of small choices can make such a big difference. Obviously, I needed to trim the tummy but my main motivation was CW. He is in a pretty good mood but I'm a bit (alot!) moody. Tomorrow is our first weigh-in day so we'll see if the work has paid off.
In this process, I gave each of the kids a pedometer. Splenda has a campaign to get kids to walk an extra 2000 steps each day so they are giving away pedometers. I have a box of them and finally remembered to give MW & CW their own. Within two minutes, CW had figured out how to shake the pedometer just right to make it count even though he wasn't walking and MW had clipped it onto the cat's collar (to the cat's displeasure). A good idea down the drain.
Meanwhile, a serious conversation took place on the way to school a several weeks ago. CW made a wise crack comment about horses and glue (a specific attempt to torment his sister who loves horses). MW immediately asked what CW meant. I tried to make some lame excuses but each time CW would laugh and MW knew I wasn't telling the truth. Finally, I had to tell MW what horses had to do with glue. She said "I'm not upset" and got very quiet. I told CW he was paying for her therapy. When I got home from work, I found a picture she had colored at school that day. It was a Dutch girl (in honor of the different Christmas costumes in foreign countries). MW did a very neat job but in the girl's hand.. she had drawn in a sign that read "NO MORE HORSE GLUE"! It looked like Christmas Dutch PETA.
Flash forward one month to today. MW and the other second graders sang during 0930 service. The kids met beforehand outside their classrooms. Well, we were the first ones to arrive and while we waited I was admiring artwork displayed in the hallway that the second graders had done. One batch of artwork was themed "Martin Luther King's Dream". Each child had to list their own dreams for the World. "No murders". "No weapons". "No pollution". "No smoking". These were the profound desires of the children. My eyes finally found MW's. It was nicely colored, spelling was perfect and the handwriting was neat. The first dream she listed... "Stop using horse glue!" CW's allowance is going right into the therapy fund.
Postscript: Driving home today, the kids and I saw alot of buzzards resting on various light poles and I got to thinking. Buzzards must be smart. They have to land and eat their food in the very spot were those dead creatures were killed by moving vehicles. Yet, I've never seen a dead buzzard in the street. How do they avoid being hit? Does this mean they are smarter than squirrels, raccoons, opossums, dogs, cats and armadillos? Just a thought.
Go Weight Watchers! Larry and I have been on/off WW for a few years now. Don't let that discourage you. We do real well (good?) while we are on it. We just need to learn to "maintain". It's been a couple of weeks since we started this diet again. I lost 3 1/2 lbs the first week. Larry lost 8! Why is it that men can eat more (the more you weigh, the more points you are allowed) and loose more than women? It's just not fair! Anyway. Keep up the good work. You are setting a good example for your kiddos. They'll thank you for it in the long run.
Whatever you do, don't tell MW what sausage casing is made of! She'll really flip out!
Take care and have a great week.
Poor MW! She's found her cause in more horse glue. CW should DEFINITELY have to pay for counseling!! What a boy! Good luck on the WW.
Oh the sausage! If I had fur I think I would have to hide it. She has twice declared she wasn't going to eat meat anymore but soon enough she forgets and chows down on a hamburger. It must be those Texas genes.
Weight lost week one for me: zip! I celebrated by eating banana bread and three WW ice cream sandwiches & not running (plus there's ice outside). CW has his weigh-in tomorrow.
Matt, I'm just trying to get off those "few" lbs that creep up on a person. The main goal is to help CW.
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