Monday, March 12, 2007

Playing with Lightening

Some of you may know that last Summer I rearranged my bedroom furniture so I could watch thunderstorms through my bedroom windows while in bed. I just love being snug under the blankets with the sound of rain hiting the roof and the rumble of thunder in the distance and seeing streaks of lightening race across the sky. Well, the moment I rearranged... a drought . I've been waiting for months for a little bit of lightening so I could test out my new bedroom arrangement. I think two nights of ten minute storms have passed over my roof since the Summer. Of course, each time was during the day.

Finally, last night a whopper of a storm hit San Antonio. I was busy putting together a photo album. I knew the storms were coming and decided to "wait up" for them so I could watch the action. It was well past my bedtime but didn't want to sleep through a good storm. Suddenly as the first rumble of thunder announced the storm's arrival, I realized... "I've got to get in bed quick! This is what I've been waiting for!" I washed my face, threw on my pj's, turned out the lights, open the bedroom blinds and jumped under the covers. Heaven on Earth!

Oh, how sweet! I was finally watching the storm through the window while under my covers. Yet, I felt a little insecure having my blinds open. So I got out from under the covers and one by one turned down individual slots of the blind so only the top half was open. Back under the covers, it still felt "too" open. So I got back out from the covers and closed more slots so only the very top of the blinds were open. Back under the covers... now I'm watching the trees. I'm thinking to myself "never realized that tree was so tall. If it was blown over it could reach the house. It would probably hit the roof right above me." Ok, time to change my thoughts. So I decide to focus on the sky and the "streaks of lightening racing across the sky". No streaks. Only flashes. I began to wonder how many flashes I'd have to watch to validate the moment. I mean how long to you have to smell a rose before you can say you took time to enjoy life? Then I noticed that the thunder was going on and on or was it really thunder? Maybe, it is the sound of a train! Tornado! No, no.... just thunder. Eventually, I fell into a deep slumber.

Fast forward ONE hour. A crack of thunder shakes the house and wakes me up. Usually, I would just roll over and fall immediately back to sleep. It's all good sleeping stuff. Not last night though... I was being blinded by lightening through the open blinds. No matter which way I turned the flashes were unrelenting. So now I was awake. Well, you know what happens if you wake up... a trip to the bathroom. Then I was really awake. However, on the way back to bed.... I closed the blinds and slept soundly the rest of the night with my back to the window.


Blogger Unknown said...

AHA! So you've tried to blame the drought on my moving away from SA but really it was because you HAD to watch your precious thunder storms. I'll accept your apology at any time. I liked your question regarding how long we have to smell the roses...interesting thought.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Kori said...

OK it's time to update the Blog now. I have created an account and promise to comment if you update it.

10:06 PM  
Blogger M Holly said...

Catch us up on your bog! We miss the news!

Sara's mom!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I come over here from time to time...hoping.

8:59 AM  

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