Monday, March 12, 2007

Playing with Lightening

Some of you may know that last Summer I rearranged my bedroom furniture so I could watch thunderstorms through my bedroom windows while in bed. I just love being snug under the blankets with the sound of rain hiting the roof and the rumble of thunder in the distance and seeing streaks of lightening race across the sky. Well, the moment I rearranged... a drought . I've been waiting for months for a little bit of lightening so I could test out my new bedroom arrangement. I think two nights of ten minute storms have passed over my roof since the Summer. Of course, each time was during the day.

Finally, last night a whopper of a storm hit San Antonio. I was busy putting together a photo album. I knew the storms were coming and decided to "wait up" for them so I could watch the action. It was well past my bedtime but didn't want to sleep through a good storm. Suddenly as the first rumble of thunder announced the storm's arrival, I realized... "I've got to get in bed quick! This is what I've been waiting for!" I washed my face, threw on my pj's, turned out the lights, open the bedroom blinds and jumped under the covers. Heaven on Earth!

Oh, how sweet! I was finally watching the storm through the window while under my covers. Yet, I felt a little insecure having my blinds open. So I got out from under the covers and one by one turned down individual slots of the blind so only the top half was open. Back under the covers, it still felt "too" open. So I got back out from the covers and closed more slots so only the very top of the blinds were open. Back under the covers... now I'm watching the trees. I'm thinking to myself "never realized that tree was so tall. If it was blown over it could reach the house. It would probably hit the roof right above me." Ok, time to change my thoughts. So I decide to focus on the sky and the "streaks of lightening racing across the sky". No streaks. Only flashes. I began to wonder how many flashes I'd have to watch to validate the moment. I mean how long to you have to smell a rose before you can say you took time to enjoy life? Then I noticed that the thunder was going on and on or was it really thunder? Maybe, it is the sound of a train! Tornado! No, no.... just thunder. Eventually, I fell into a deep slumber.

Fast forward ONE hour. A crack of thunder shakes the house and wakes me up. Usually, I would just roll over and fall immediately back to sleep. It's all good sleeping stuff. Not last night though... I was being blinded by lightening through the open blinds. No matter which way I turned the flashes were unrelenting. So now I was awake. Well, you know what happens if you wake up... a trip to the bathroom. Then I was really awake. However, on the way back to bed.... I closed the blinds and slept soundly the rest of the night with my back to the window.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Walker Newsflash

I hope no one has given up on me. Remember back in August when I mentioned that I start to wear down in the Spring from school duties (church, work, sports, academics, etc...)? Let's just say I'm treading the water and the water is just over my chin. Visions of Meredith! It's all good though. I don't feel overwhelmed just busy and tired.

CW flew off to Mexico today. He called a little while ago and said the flight went well. The plane was small. We've been busy getting him ready the past two days. It is tradition to send gifts to the host family. We sent some James Avery jewelry (unique to Texas) and Bath/Body Works. The boy who stayed with us brough CW a t-shirt and chess set so we sent a shirt and cribbage set. We were at the airport at 11:30 but met with some of the other students for breakfast. It was a good idea since eating and sharing really calmed my nerves. When I asked CW if he was nervous, he would just put his face in his hand, smile, and giggle.

MW will be spending a few days with her Dad which is a BIG deal since she gets to go to work with him and big brother is not around. She is doing well at school too. She is blossoming into a writer and artist. This is significant since her reading had a slow start. Her first grade teacher told me in one of several conferences... "I don't think it is bad enough to hold her back". This meant the teacher had considered it. Dyslexia was a serious thought. She tutored over the Summer. Ms Jenny watched over her as well (our resource teacher). Anyhow, MW has been making "A's" in reading and wrote a story that was picked for judging in the "Junior Olympic Writers". We'll know how she placed in April. I've won a few art rewards. I also won first place in SA for UIL "Ready Writer" in seventh grade. So as I sit up straight, puff my chest, and put my nose in the air....let me just say... "she gets it from me". Well, wait a minute, maybe she gets it from God. Whatever.

BTW, still doing WW but have decided to cut down on carbs as well since CW and I have each lost only six pounds since January! The carb thing is for me. CW is staying the course. He has increased his exercise at school but not at home so I thought I'd be more consistent with the Gym. He likes to go. I'm hoping to get both kids in Fencing soon. They loved their trial class. The registration fee is steep and other things have taken priority. Note to certain grandparents: contributing to this fee would have been a great Christmas gift like suggested. They could be three months into lessons by now. Excuse me, I'm grateful. I appreciate gifts. Just don't ask for my suggestion then say the idea is "no good" and force me to think of some toy that would be the last thing the kids actually needed. I know what they need, like or want. I knew the toys, clothes, games and jewelry they really wanted were already bought. I know you want to shower your grandchildren. I just hate your money to go to "more of the same" when it can go to something of substance.

Okay, I'll try to post within the week since my "Mother" duties will be lighter this week but only if I get comments. Love to all.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Walker Health Reports

Sorry I've been gone so long. Flu season has taken hold of my life at work and home. I haven't been getting home until nearly 7:00 and working through lunch plus I did weekend call. I'm sure I saw at least 60 cases of flu last week and I only worked 3 1/2 days. Meanwhile on the homefront, MW was stricken last Sunday with Type B Flu. She missed 4 days of school. She has returned to normal activities but has no energy reserve. Each night she is asleep by 6:00. I'm scared to put her on the scale because she still isn't eating much and her clothes are hanging on her.

OH MY WORD!!! I just turned on the news. One of my patients is missing! I just started to explain her story but realized I'm not talking about a neighbor or friend. She is a patient so I can't discuss details. Good thing our keyboards come with a "backspace" key. Anyone who is local, watch KSAT-12 and you'll see her name. Please pray. She really needs to be with her Grandmother. That's the most I'll say.

Meanwhile, my Dad was due to undergo another procedure 2 days ago. He needed his carotid artery cleared. I haven't gotten a report but I'm sure no news is good news. He is counting days until retirement (somewhere in the 70's) at which time he and the China crew will be moving to Portland.

CW and I are still plotting away on Weight Watcher's. I haven't put him on the scale either. His grandmother thought she could see a difference but I can't tell. I might be down 3lbs at the most. I do feel better though then when I was doing Atkins or low carb/high protein (high fat). I've been faithful to my running but it had become a painful chore since the groin strain. Suddenly in the last two weeks.... no pain and my endurance improved. I wonder if the change in diet has to do with it. Oh by the way, I guess I've come to realize that I'm not really running... I'm actually jogging (11 min mile).

I've also been faithful to cooking. I've made baked crab, chicken kebabs, spinach/feta cheese quesadillas and baked pears just this weekend. AND, each was a hit with the kids. Well, mostly with CW because MW fell asleep every night and missed dinner.

The final health report is one most of you already know. MW went to the specialist this past week about her ankle. Apparently, back in December, the reason it swelled and was so painful (she couldn't bear weight) was because it was fractured. It was a small, non-displaced fracture but big enough to make her Mother feel a crush of guilt. She requires no treatment at this time as long as it doesn't swell up again.

So there you go. We are deep into the daily grind in the middle of the school year in the middle of Winter. CW's trip to Mexico is a month away. Deposits are going down on Summer camps already. I'm doing internet searches for Summer vacation. CW is faking strep throat to get out of Church tomorrow. Besides missing a little ankle fracture, I usually can tell when a child of mine is putting on a show. He's been put on notice... no fever = confirmation class.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Are you dating anyone? Why not?"

Have you ever walked into a full waiting room? All eyes fall on you. You can feel the eyes watching you while you're trying to find a seat. They're bored. You walked in and now they have something new to look at for a moment. Okay... I sometimes get that same feeling when people ask if I'm "seeing" anyone and I say "no". I suddenly feel like I just walked into a waiting room wearing something inappropriate and have toilet paper on my shoe. I don't dare tell the person asking the question what I'm going to say now... I have not dated anyone since separating six years ago. FREAK FLAG!

Today in church, our Pastor asked the congregation why Jesus asked an invalid "Do you want to be cured?" It is obvious the invalid would want to be helped and Jesus knew the answer... so why would he ask something so obvious? Of course, the man said "yes" and Jesus cured him. Our Pastor suggested the man may have refused help up to that point because he wasn't ready to accept it. Jesus asked the question as a way for the man to finally concede and accept help. So much later in the day, I asked myself... if God asked me if I wanted His help... would I want it? When it comes to finding a "new man", my honest answer would be "no". This answer surprised even me.

I do pray all the time that someday I'll meet someone and fall in love again. This past Summer I was hurting deeply and prayed to understand God's plan. Did it involve someone else for me? I was sure it was a "no" but was surprised to get a "wait". Ask me all the ways I got that message. Not only was I happy for the answer but I was amazed to get an anwer. So back to the "I don't want no man" part... I'm awfully content right now. I think having the kids keeps loneliness away. Managing a household and school activities keeps me busy. My faith keeps me grateful. Sticking to my values and not Pop Culture values helps me not feel like a complete freak (cause in that World my freak flag is high). I don't even want to get a dog because of the extra work. What would I do with a husband? When I see a husband as a blessing and not a burden then we can all agree... I'll be ready.

Plus, I am conflicted. Family history in the past couple generations when it comes to stepdads...not so good. Plus, what if I don't spot the pervert just praying on a single Mom with kids? Plus, I still haven't been convinced (or schooled) that it is okay to remarry after divorce. I just don't remember reading anywhere that is okay but I definitely remember reading that it wasn't. Even as I type that I know if I met someone I would remarry and sort the Biblical stuff later.

So my mind started to churn as I listened to commercials. The commercials advertise their ability to match couples. Is it the same software uses? You know... everytime you shop with Amazon, their software will make suggestions for you based on past selections. So how would that work with couples? I started thinking about my past selection of men. Amazon would probably say "Oh we see you prefer to financially support men who lie and take advantage of you ... here are our suggestions!"

There you have it. A very long explanation to a question I'm asked often by people I've just met but is never asked by those who have known me for some time. The short answer is "I just don't have time". Whatever the case, I'm just very careful about who I tell that I have pet cats.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Antics of Offspring

Hello! Just a few stories to share.

CW and I joined Weight Watchers online. I much prefer Adkins because I'm never hungry when going low carb. Currently, if I'm full it only lasts about two hours. CW is doing so well. He has cut his "points" from +30 above his desired points to staying within his limit. He did this in the course of one week. Plus, he is measuring his portions and reading labels and just becoming more aware of snacking. Every night we are able to review his intake and evaluate how a couple of small choices can make such a big difference. Obviously, I needed to trim the tummy but my main motivation was CW. He is in a pretty good mood but I'm a bit (alot!) moody. Tomorrow is our first weigh-in day so we'll see if the work has paid off.

In this process, I gave each of the kids a pedometer. Splenda has a campaign to get kids to walk an extra 2000 steps each day so they are giving away pedometers. I have a box of them and finally remembered to give MW & CW their own. Within two minutes, CW had figured out how to shake the pedometer just right to make it count even though he wasn't walking and MW had clipped it onto the cat's collar (to the cat's displeasure). A good idea down the drain.

Meanwhile, a serious conversation took place on the way to school a several weeks ago. CW made a wise crack comment about horses and glue (a specific attempt to torment his sister who loves horses). MW immediately asked what CW meant. I tried to make some lame excuses but each time CW would laugh and MW knew I wasn't telling the truth. Finally, I had to tell MW what horses had to do with glue. She said "I'm not upset" and got very quiet. I told CW he was paying for her therapy. When I got home from work, I found a picture she had colored at school that day. It was a Dutch girl (in honor of the different Christmas costumes in foreign countries). MW did a very neat job but in the girl's hand.. she had drawn in a sign that read "NO MORE HORSE GLUE"! It looked like Christmas Dutch PETA.

Flash forward one month to today. MW and the other second graders sang during 0930 service. The kids met beforehand outside their classrooms. Well, we were the first ones to arrive and while we waited I was admiring artwork displayed in the hallway that the second graders had done. One batch of artwork was themed "Martin Luther King's Dream". Each child had to list their own dreams for the World. "No murders". "No weapons". "No pollution". "No smoking". These were the profound desires of the children. My eyes finally found MW's. It was nicely colored, spelling was perfect and the handwriting was neat. The first dream she listed... "Stop using horse glue!" CW's allowance is going right into the therapy fund.

Postscript: Driving home today, the kids and I saw alot of buzzards resting on various light poles and I got to thinking. Buzzards must be smart. They have to land and eat their food in the very spot were those dead creatures were killed by moving vehicles. Yet, I've never seen a dead buzzard in the street. How do they avoid being hit? Does this mean they are smarter than squirrels, raccoons, opossums, dogs, cats and armadillos? Just a thought.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tidbits: Strep, PC-TV, Cats, HGTV

It should be no surprise that after the American public gathered with friends and family over Christmas holidays that everyone would be sick soon after. It was surprising to me to catch Strep throat in time for the New Year weekend. I had it so much as a child that I thought I was immune to it. I still feel like I need to crawl back into bed even after the least bit of exertion. Thankfully my first day back to work was only a half-day. I guess I forgot to check the "Secret Mommy Handbook" that says "never get sick".

I have been having great fun with a new tech-toy. My sister-n-law set up my computer (the one I've had for a year now) so I can watch TV on it. By default, I now can record DVR style and she showed me how to download pictures from MW's new digital camera (I don't have one). I'll be borrowing the camera just a litttle bit. Furthermore, I took out the Hello Kitty radio from the kitchen and I'm listening to my talk shows through the computer (even as I type). BTW, I have a remote for my computer TV/Music/Internet abilities. However, the kids now want to watch TV when we're eating (the computer is in a nook in the kitchen).

My friend Sara has been blogging about her new cat which makes me want to share something about my kid's cats. One growls at people as they approach or walk by the house. The other plays fetch. They are indoor cats. I've never kept my cats indoor only. It has been nice not to worry about fleas and their fur stays so clean & soft. However, I think it makes them a little "off-balance" (code for weird).
I managed to get some pictures on this blog in some sort of order. It was by luck since I just kept pushing buttons until something stuck. Am I suppose to do pictures first then blog or what? I can't get the pictures to go where I want them to go. I need to go now and register for my house on HGTV. I'm so irritated that they built my house in Colorado. Don't they know I don't like cold weather? I might actually sell this house for the first time. I didn't want to sell my other homes. Too bad HGTV keeps giving them away to other people before I can move in. I should sue or something. If you don't know what I'm talking about check HGTV's Dream Home Give-A-Way. They do it every year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Cooking and Puking: no relation to each other

Merry Christmas Recovery!! Thank you family and friends for your gifts. The kids had a great Christmas. I'm happy that the "loot" did not require an addition to the house. The toys are getting smaller and more expensive as they get older. I finally got slippers after a two year request. I don't think the kids believed me previous years. The idea that someone would really want slippers was beyond them. Thanks to movie gift cards (which I love), we have seen three movies in one week. CW and I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. I'm taking MW to see the Cheetah Girls in two weeks. The tickets to both were Christmas presents.

So the folks and sibs came to my house for Christmas. I liked everyone coming to my house. I have alot of Christmas decor and not a lick of decorations for other holidays so that part worked out well for me. I took some saved vacation days which meant I didn't stress trying to get things ready. The part that sent me to bended knee was the cooking. Does anyone out there understand how intimidating a 7.5 lb pork loin roast can be? Does anyone know how messed up your cooking schedule becomes when the pork loin is finished 90 minutes early and 120 minutes before your guests are suppose to eat? Does anyone know how scary it is when the pork loin is turning black and your mother who is suppose to be there to help you like she was for your brother has not arrived early like she did for your brother? Does anyone know how to make your stuffing muffins that are so easy to cook (per Rachel Ray) stick together and not fall apart?

My Mom said today that she forgot to get some leftovers to take home. I told her no one asked for leftovers so I did not offer since I figured they didn't want to offend me by refusing. She said that was not true. I do know now the following things: pork cooks faster when apple juice is part of the marinade; don't use as much pineapple juice as the receipe calls for in the Apple Taffy Salad; don't use as much chicken broth in the stuffing; and don't bother with dessert because people bring a ton of sweets.

Ok, now for a running update. Sunday is the day I run without walk breaks. Since the groin strain, I've only made it back to 3 miles (down from 4.5 miles). I've had a real struggle with shin splits. I'm finally going to get new running shoes this weekend with my Christmas gift card. Anyhow, the rest of the week I do walk/run combos. The distance is not as important as the total time. I was reading up on Jeff Galloway's Website for tips to increase my distance and ease the leg pain. I've added a 5 minute warm up walk instead of stretching which has made a huge difference. Now my walk/runs are up to 35 minutes when they had dropped to 20-25 minutes. My leg has finally stopped hurting too. Also, on the website, it talks about increasing personal running speed. There is a complicated formula to figure out if a runner is ready to increase their speed. One thing he says is "don't run so fast you need to puke". When I read that I thought "who would do that?". Guess what?

Well, tonight I was finishing my walk/run combo. I had already run 26 minutes and walked 12 when just ahead of me two guys come out of their house and start warming up for what looked to be a run. Now these are the guys in the "frat" house who do not keep their yard, smoke pot (I can smell it when I run pass their yard), and keep five cars parked outside. Needless to say, the HOA is not happy with them. Neither are the neighbors. When I passed them, I was walking for one minute before it was time to run again. I started to run right after passing them. I heard them laugh and start running. Now I'm thinking "That's not right. They have no clue that I've been running for 26 minutes." I picked up my pace but they passed me in a dust of smugness. I kept at it though cause I knew they don't have a healthy lifestyle and I know I have a killer kick in my run. Happily, I can say I passed those frat boys. I haven't maintained my "kick" for that long of a distance though (I couldn't let up until I passed them, right?). When it was over, I went inside and puked. I guess I'm not completely ready for that speed. PS. I think "puking" is a vulgar word. I'm just using it because that is the word Jeff Galloway used on his website. Also, it has a little dramatic flair to it.

Footnote: Did everyone hear about Arnold Swartz....? He broke his femur while skiing with his family. Ok, I'm thinking skiing with anyone even remotely related to a Kennedy... not such a good idea. Also, as I've been typing this, the news is breaking about Gerald Ford. I remember the day my Mom voted for him. I think that was the last time we agreed on a candidate. Of course, I was six. I wanted him to win because he was old and I didn't want his feelings hurt.